What to do after a great first date?
It takes 41 minutes for a person to think of the text for the first message after the first date. According to research the first message is very important and will decide if you will have a second date coming or have to look for another date. What's more important after the first date according to research with 10.000 European singles?
The greater part of the women (67.2%) will not contact you anymore if the first message after the date is not interesting enough. With men it's much less (41.6%) but still they also expect a nice message.
43% of the women believe that the man has to make the first step after a date to get in contact again. With men 70% don't mind who has to make the first step, the man or the woman. Both men and women need on average 41 minutes to think of the text for the message.
Only 4.2% of the singles participating at the research will send a message directly after the date. More than 25% will send the next day a message hoping for a new date.
22% of the women don't want to communicate by phone after the first date. Only 5% of the men don't like a txt message by phone.
Rules for sending messages
So you believe your first date was successful and you want to send your date a message. Read first the tips below before you send the wrong message and have to search for a new date.
Use first name
If you don't know each other so long don't start using words like darling or my love. Just use the first name in the beginning to make the message more personally.
Although they can be very easy to use don't exaggerate on this. Don't communicate like you send a message to your colleague spy. Stay clear just use normal words instead of unclear abbreviations.
Ask questions
Don't ask to difficult questions about politics and life but keep it simple. Ask what's his/her favorite restaurant and what kind of food he/she likes
Before you date
Send each other a few messages when it's for the first date. 68% likes to communicate through messages first before meeting each other on a date.
Break up via a sms
Never break up a relation by sms message. Just give him or her a call or better meet each other to discuss it.
Don't send messages while you are drinking. 80% of the cases people said things they don't remember or regret it they mentioned it.
In the beginning of dating it can be very frustrating if you don't hear something. The other person might be very busy or has problems with the phone. Send a short message that you had a really nice time and that you are looking forward to see him/her again.
Things you shouldn't do after a date
Another research with 1000 men shows what women do wrong on a date and what makes men searching for a new partners.
Talking about your ex
The biggest irritation with men is talking about your ex partner. Start dating when you fully closed that chapter in your life.
Keep your clothes on
Don't show too much of yourself on the first date. Make it difficult for the man so you can make him curious for the next date.
One way communication
Don't look around and don't expect him to ask all the questions. You have two hours to see if this could be Mr. Right so have a good communication and show interest in him.
Think before you talk
Don't share stories of your toilet problems or how hard you farted the last time. Give him the illusion that you are very exciting, sexy and charming, after 5 years he will find out anyway that women also need to go to the toilet.
Show ambitions
53% of the men prefer to talk about your ambitions and plans instead about the names of your future kids. Wait with these conversations and talk what you want to reach in your life. First take care that you like each other and the rest will follow.
So don't feel stupid if you have to think more than 40 minutes for your txt message after the first date because you are not the only one. Just remember the above tips and things will be much easier after your first date