Silent moments on a first date
You meet somebody on a dating site and now it's time for the first date in a bar or any other location. The first date is always exciting and you always try to avoid those silent moments. To prevent situations of too many silent moments you can prepare a little bit and think about some subjects you can talk about.
The first date
With your first date it's absolutely normal that you are a bit nervous. Maybe it's a blind date or you found somebody on a dating site. It's good to realise that the other person might be as nervous as you are. This is normal but can cause uncomfortable situations during the date. Below you will find some communication examples you can use on your first date to avoid silent moments.
Everybody likes music and there are so many different tasts of music to discuss. Find a song, artist, style, bands or nice memories like music concerts where you can talk about.
Food and drinks
Many times you choose to go to a restaurant or bar on your first date. This is a good moment to talk about food or drinks. What are your favorite food recipes, which is your favorite restaurants and to which kind of bar/pub you like to go. Tell stories about food but don't tell stories where your ex is involved. On the first date it's too early to mention your ex.
Talking about animals can open a converation and maybe you both have the same animal or are looking for the same animal. Try to find funny stories you had with your animal or sad stories about the loss of an animal to show your emotional side.
Talk about your family. This way your date can look inside your world a bit more. Tell nice stories about your family members. Maybe there are new born members in your family. Don't tell too many negative stories and forget about family problems on the first date.
Spare time
What are you doing in your spare time. What are your hobbies and what sport you like. Tell more about your special hobby but don't be too enthousiastic and tell the whole evening about your favorite hobby.
Tell about the countries you went for holiday or any advenure trip. Did you had some good or bad experiences or funny moments you can remember. Don't try to be the cool person and bragg about the number of men/women you have conquered or how much alcohol you had on the drunk nights.
Not everybody likes sport. If you like sport yourself it's good to start a conversation about sport. Do you feel that your date doesn't like sport it's better to change the subject.
Subjects not to talk about
There are a few subjects you have to avoid talking about during your first date:
- Don't talk about one or more ex-partners. This gives the impression that you are not over it yet
- Don't talk about financial issues, like what you earn and how much you spend. This is too personal for the first date
- Don't tell any lies to make yourself look better.
- Don't talk about sex or your sexual experiences. Don't make sexual related comments, this can destroy your first date.
Stay focused on your date so don't look around all the time. This will look like you are not interested in what your date has to say. Give all attention to your date.