The best dating quotes

We found some very interesting and funny dating quotes from the site which we have to share with you and offcourse you can share it on your social media site.
Read these quotes and see how fun online dating can be.
- Dating is a numbers game. And online dating has the best odds.
- Oh you're dating my ex? Cool, I am eating a sandwich... want those leftovers too?
- She is dating you for a reason. If she wanted that dude, she'd be with that dude. Chill out, bro.
- Always remember this: 'A kiss will never miss, and after many kisses a miss becomes a misses'.
- A girl called me once and said come over, nobody is home! I went there and she was right, nobody was home.
- I was dating a guy for a while because he told me he had an incurable disease. I didn't realize it was stupidity.
- The hardest part of your divorce will be finding an attractive recent picture of yourself to upload on a dating site.
- What is a date really, but a job interview that lasts all night? The only difference is that in not many job interviews is there a chance you'll wind up naked at the end of it.
- I was on a date with this really hot model. Well, it wasn't really a date date. We just ate dinner and saw a movie. Then the plane landed.
- Employees make the best dates. You don't have to pick them up and they're always tax-deductible.
- I once dated a girl on the track team. It didn't work out. She kept giving me the runaround.
- If a guy remembers the color of your eyes after a first date, chances have small boobs.
- A man commented to his lunch companion: My wife had a funny dream last night. She dreamed she'd married a millionaire. You're lucky, sighed the companion. My wife dreams that in the daytime.
- The golden rule of work is that the bosses jokes are ALWAYS funny.
- God writes a lot of comedy... the trouble is, he's stuck with so many bad actors who don't know how to play funny.
- Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
- Pamela Anderson Lee released a statement confirming that she has had her breast implants removed. Doctors say that Pamela is doing fine and that her old implants are now dating Charlie Sheen.
- I am sitting here looking at the most amazing person I have ever seen, smart, funny, caring, and absolutely stunning! Yes, I am looking in the mirror!
- If it tastes funny, don't eat it. If it looks funny, call a doctor. If it is funny, it must have been something I said.
- What a man does in a relationship with a woman, is the reflection of the aftermath of what a woman has accepted in their relationship, from the time they've started dating.
- t's funny how the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.
- I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
- I used to be called a good girl. That never happens anymore. Its just a little hard to be a good girl when dating a bad boy.
- Dating shouldn't be hard for someone like me and you know why it is? Because no one in this office will help me.
- Its a funny thing that when a man hasnt anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married.
- That awkward moment when you're trying to get over someone you were never dating.
- I have Social Disease. I have to go out every night. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumours to my dogs.