Alone on holiday? Why not!

It's that time of the year again. Everybody is going on holiday with their partner and families and you are just trying to ignore the nice stories and people looking forward to their holiday. Are you single at the moment and you can't find anybody to join you on a holiday? Go online and book a trip because with the following tips you might have the best holiday ever.
Some people are thinking about it for long time but don't have the guts to go alone on holiday. Will I be safe alone, do I have to sit alone on a table at diner every night and will I feel lonely all the time? These are a few questions which are crossing your mind but it's totally not necessary to be insecure about it because many people did it before and had an amazing holiday. How? We will tell you in this article.
We understand your doubts of going alone but many women are travelling alone nowadays and return very enthusiastic from their holiday. But there is always some comments from other people which makes you a bit scared. For some people it's difficult to understand that you can take care of yourself and can handle unknown situations. Don't let warnings and comments from other people influence you even if they mean it good.
If somebody is informing you about diseases, bad roads, criminality of the country you want to visit just think that these comments are sometimes based on jealousy or lack of knowledge about the country. Inform yourself good and prepare your holiday good but always based on independent and professional organisations. People who haven't visit the country only have the view of the media which is not always objective. So it's very important to be prepared but get informed about people who have experience in the country and know what is going on now and not a few years ago.
Don't feel guilty that you go alone and that there are people who will worry about you. That's not necessary. It's your time to relax and go on holiday and it's no problem that you will go alone. The moment you step in the plain, train or bus the party starts. Turn of your worries and thought about the situation at home and relax the next days. We do advice you to inform people about your holiday and how they can reach you in case of emergency.
Tips for going on holiday alone
- Spoil yourself when possible and book a good hotel or apartment so you feel comfortable but mostly because you deserve it
- Don't bring too much luggage with you. First because you have to carry it by yourself and secondly you will have a good excuse to buy new clothes on your holiday
- If you don't feel comfortable to eat by yourself you can buy some snacks and food in the supermarket and eat in a park or on the beach. Once you get used to the place you can try to choose a nice restaurant where you will feel comfortable and maybe meet a nice person to join you
- Plan some trips during your holiday and prepare them before you go but don't plan your holiday full. You need some days to relax
- Be open for meeting new people but choose them with care. Better alone than with bad company.
- There might be moments you feel lonely. Because you are on your own and you don't have obligations which you have to think about you might get confronted with yourself. Don't be scared that there will be some difficult moments but just accept them the way they are and try to enjoy from the nice weather and things to do
- Tell your friends and family where you are going and that they can reach you on your mobile phone number. But also tell them to contact you only in case of emergency and not the whole day asking how you are and what you are doing. Try to relax and let go the normal way of life
- If you go to a touristy resort be aware that there are men hunting for tourist and single women. If you want to avoid this it might be better to choose for a city trip or a cultural holiday
We wish you an amazing holiday and hope that the above tips will help you to experience a time of your life and this will not be the last holiday on your own. Even if you find a partner online or on your holiday it's always good to leave your partner home and go alone on a trip.